SERVICE AREA: Animal Experimentation

We provide the following services to third parties who need to work with pigs, sheep, rabbits, rats, mice and eventually calves and goats.

  • HANDS ON courses for physicians of all specialties
  • Experimental surgeries (conventional, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy, endoscopy, microsurgery).
  • Experimental surgeries requiring or not post-operative care.
  • Intensive Care Unit, cardiovascular recovery and 24-hour monitoring if needed
  • Surgical implant of sonomicrometric gauges and solid-state pressure transducers for research involving conscious, chronically instrumented animals.
  • Test and / or development of medical equipment.
  • Internal, external or mixed research lines.
  • Pre-clinical trials of drugs, devices and biomedical materials


We have the following support:

  • IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee – research and teaching).
  • Experimental operating rooms.
  • Veterinarians for anesthesia, and pre and post-surgical care.
  • Highly experienced technical personnel
  • Researchers, physicians, bioengineers, biologists, biochemists, veterinarians, etc.
  • Animal house accredited by the ANMAT and by NIH. Also, it belongs to the Animal House National System (SNB), Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation, Argentina
  • Laboratory support and complementary methods (microscopy, cell culture, molecular biology, flow cytometry, DNA sequencing, among others).
  • Favaloro Foundation University Hospital (for procedures requiring ultrasound, angiography, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging).



Dr. Bioing. Sebastián Graf
Universidad Favaloro
Solís 453 (C1078AAI) – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel +54-11-43781151